Come To Me!
An Urgent Invitation to Turn to Christ

By Tom Wells

The words "I love you" are powerful words. And they are always fresh. Like God's mercies, they are new every morning. We do not tire of them. And yet - and yet that is not quite true. In one case we do weary of them quickly. That case is all too common. First they bore us and then we resent the words "I love you" when we suspect their sincerity. And we suspect them when they are not joined with actions that suit them. We know how little it costs to say "I love you." We long to see some proof that it is so. Is it love indeed, or in words only? That is the question.

I will not say, "I love you." You might well reply, "The writer does not know me. Why would he say that kind of thing? How could he possibly imagine that he loves me?" You might have many such thoughts. And, in thinking them, you might lay this book aside in disgust. So, I will not say, ‘I love you." But! do mean to say something similar. To love someone is to seek to do him good. And that is what I hope to do. I hope to do you good. Let me try to tell you why.

I am a Christian. Now there are some things that does not mean. It does not mean that! have lost all my selfishness. It does not mean that I love everyone as I ought. It does not mean that I am always compassionate toward others. In short, it does not mean that I am no longer a sinful human being. It does not mean that, and it could not. I am a man who struggles with my sin every day. I am a man who sometimes loses the struggle.

The fact that I am a Christian does mean one thing, however, that is relevant to this book. Someone has described Christian witness as "one beggar telling another beggar where to find bread." When one beggar does that for another beggar, he does him good. To that degree, at least, he loves him. Because I am a Christian I want to be like that first beggar.

My observation, for what it is worth, is this. Christians - and all, without exception, are imperfect - have this in common. They have heard the Psalmist's invitation, "Taste and see that the Lord is good" (Psalm 34:8). They have come to Christ and found Him good beyond words. And they want to tell others about Him. They want to say on His behalf, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28). And in that way they love the men and women around them. In that way they seek to do them good.

I do not know who put this book into your hand. Perhaps your bookseller. Perhaps a friend. But I am reasonably sure why he did so. He aimed to do you good. In that sense he loved you. And I join him in his aim. What I hope to tell you in these pages is the best thing I have ever found. I have nothing else to give that can compare with the knowledge of Christ. Hence, my invitation, my urgent invitation to you, is to turn to Him. To do so is, at the same time, your duty and your highest reward.

---End of Chapter---

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