This page is dedicated to answering some theological questions that
Christians may have. Most of the questions that you will find here
come out of the Webmaster's own journey in faith, and the answers that were
found to be most helpful.
My hope is that this page will be of help to you in your own understanding.
(Note: This page is not intended to be an apologetics page
for the skeptic, but a help for the Christian who may struggle with various
questions that may arise from their own growth in knowledge.
If you are a skeptic please see this
for articles & links for the unbeliever.)
If you would like a question answered here that has not been addressed,
please send an email to: hisbygrace1@yahoo.com
"If God determines
all that comes to pass, why even bother to
God determines all that comes to pass, why even bother to
pray?"(2) |
"Could God really
have two wills?" |
"Does believing
the Doctrines of Grace or not really matter all that
much?" |
"If God sovereignly
ordains all things by His own will, did He created
sin?" |
"Do both God
and man have a responsibility in
salvation?" |
God's sovereign election nullify man's
responsibility?" |
God's election violate 'Free Will' ?" |
"Why all this
fuss about altar calls? There's no harm in them,
all this fuss about altar calls? There's no harm in them,
right?"(2) |
made a "decision" for Christ in the past, isn't that
enough?" |
Of Salvation: Can I Really Be Sure?" |
"Will God reject
someone who wants to be saved because they aren't
elect?" |
"If Jesus' death
paid for every single sin, is He a failure if anyone
perishes?" |
it is God who elects to salvation, then why
"If it is God who
Elects to salvation, then why evangelize?"(2) |
" Isn't it intolerant,
to say that Jesus is "The Only Way?"" |
" If God is a God of
Love, how can things like 9-11 happen?" |
If you would like a question answered here that has not been addressed,
please send an email to: hisbygrace1@yahoo.com
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